Monday 23 July 2012

Slow it all down

Sometimes, the best days are the days where little gets accomplished. The kind of days where you aren't rushing to get things done or struggling to meet deadlines.  I don't have very many of those kind of days, but when they do come along, they recharge me. They inspire me. They make me appreciate everything that I have.   

slow it all down
take it all in
let it all go
open, open
Wendy Luella Perkins

Here's to slowing down. I think we could all benefit from taking a little more time to reflect, and truly ENJOY our surroundings and those we choose to surround ourselves with.

Here are a few images from our relaxing and easy weekend.

Stories in the Park at Skeleton Park

Followed by a dip in the wading pool

Cool dried leaf we found

Then doing what they love best - painting and creating.

I hope you all find some time this week to recharge and reconnect with what is most important in your lives.

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