Sunday 6 January 2013

This post is for me

It's amazing how one event. One conversation, one act, in one moment can change you. How it has an impact on you. How it shapes you or stays with you for the rest of your life.  I have had numerous moments like that in my life, some good and some bad. No matter the circumstances, I am who I am because of these events & how I chose to react to them. Since 2013 has started off with one of these kinds of events - I have decided to write a blog post for myself. A little reminder of who I am, where I have come from and where I want to go.

I am strong. Stronger than I think sometimes. 

I am weak. Weaker than I would ever like to admit or acknowledge.  I will try this year to reach out for help. To show that I am vulnerable. To accept help when it is genuinely offered.

I am capable. Capable of anything I put my mind to.  I will do my best to not let myself get in the way. To not let excuses, or self doubt stop me from taking risks. 

I am creative. Being creative doesn't mean I have to perfect. I want to find more time to express myself with new crafts and projects - without false expectations. 

I am beautiful.  I need to remind myself of this on a regular basis. 

I am at my best when I am active. This year I will make it a top priority. 

I will make mistakes. And it's OK. I need to allow myself to make mistakes, it's the only way I am going to grow. 

I am worthy. Worthy of being loved. Worthy of being treated with kindness, with respect.  I am worthy of happiness. Worthy of success. 

I am me. The only person I can ever be is me. I will refrain from comparing. And start to truly embrace ALL that makes me, ME. 

I will grow and change, as long as I am true to myself, and am surrounded by family and friends, I can do anything. 



  1. That's a terrific blog - just like you! It's nice to take the time and reflect and be mindful about you and your surroundings. I'm curious as to the event that inspired your post... xo

    1. Thank you for your kind words. The new year is always a good time to reflect & reassess. xo
