Wednesday 2 May 2012

is style important?

Style. What does it mean to you? Is it something you regard as being important?  

For me, style means wearing what suits YOU. That makes YOU look and feel good. No matter what the latest trends are.
It's a way of expressing who you are. We do that with the way we dress, the way we decorate our house. The food we eat or don't eat. 
Think about it. 

Whether you realize it or not, we make thousands of these "style" decisions a day. From the way we do our hair in the morning, to how we dress our kids, to what stores we shop in, to the colour of our nail polish. These all represent parts of our style.  

So why is it that we don't take the time to dress in a way that TRULY represents who we are?  Why don't we really think about what we are putting on our bodies? It's something that we do everyday - sometimes twice a day.  Even by saying you don't care about style - you are making a style statement. 

Things to think about when going through your existing wardrobe or next time you are out shopping for clothing:

  • Think about what your current image says about you then think about what you REALLY want your image to say - what's missing?
  • Choose 3 words that describe yourself - does your style match who you are?
  • Think about your lifestyle. Your profession. Are you a stay at home mom? Are you a musician? Are you a banker? Make sure your clothes match your lifestyle. 
  • Think about why style may not be important to you. What are the real reasons why you aren't taking time to dress in ways that express your authentic self

I'll ask again: What does style mean to you? I'd love to hear it!

1 comment:

  1. I love style and believe that everyone has their own style and it really does show who you are as a person. You should always dress your body for the functions of your day but it should always be you! It doesn't always have to be the same everyday but you will definately notice that it looks like a you outfit. I have friends that will show me something in a store and say that looks like you! I love that, it means that what I am putting out there people are liking and thinking of me when they see clothes!!
