Tuesday, 30 October 2012

Let's hear it for moms!

In light of my girls being complete jerks the other day, I thought that I would write a little shout out to all the moms out there. Being a mom is tough work! I can't even imagine what it's like for single moms!  I don't remember the last time I had a bath or a shower without being interrupted, or having toys thrown in or constantly being asked, "is dat your bagina?"! It's worse when they double team me when I'm trying to go to the bathroom.

Don't get me wrong, I LOVE being a mom. But some days it's absolutely maddening. The whining, the complaining, the screaming, the crying - those days test me.  They test my patience, they test my temper, and they test my blood pressure. On those days, I turn into Monster Mommy.

So, to all you incredible moms out there, the ones who get up early to make lunches, the ones who stay awake all night keeping an eye on a feverish child, the ones who cross the street while juggling a crying baby and a defiant toddler, the ones who breastfeed while cooking, cleaning or putting on makeup, the ones who always put their kids first above all else - You are doing an AMAZING job!

And remember, it's OK to get frustrated, or angry with your kids. It's normal. I'm not saying that you should scream or yell at will, but it's not necessarily a bad thing for your kids to see you display emotions.  I think it's a sign of strength, not weakness.

What are your thoughts? Have you ever really lost it on your child?


  1. Hey Beth,

    To your question of "Have you ever really lost it on your child?"
    well in short...YES!
    Having two kids within two years apart, insane. I will never do it again!
    I love them though ;)
    I have lost it more then I would like to write about, but like you said, and I believe, there is absolutly nothing wrong with showing emotion. I dont want them to grow up being closed up and not know how to tell me or their father or anyone else that they are "feeling"
    It is what it is, and they are in a healthy, safe, house full of love, and that is what matters :)


    1. Thanks for sharing Amelia! I completely agree with your comment of not wanting them to grow up being closed.

  2. My best "spaz" (as my kids say) - we were in the McD's drive thru and as soon as pulled away and while trying to hand my daughter the tray, a large ice tea spilled all over the dash/front seat of the car. I completely lost it and said every single swear word I could think of at least 8 times. My kids just stared at me. I marched in to McD's with a terrifying look and they just passed me another iced tea - no questions asked. I think I scared them too. We laugh so hard about this now. It is super hard being a mom!
