Friday, 9 March 2012

Felt mask

There are lots of really cool and creative mask inspirations posted all over the internet.  Unfortunately for me I have neither the time or the patience let alone the skill level to make most of them.  But since I still like to think that I'm crafty, I decided to try my hand at a very simple felt mask.  I am not going to offer any kind of tutorial on this but I will supply a list of the materials that I used to create them.  All the uber creative moms out there will let out a 'gaffaw' when/if they see this. And that's fine with me. My limited crafting skills are meant to inspire the not-so-crafty moms who want to make things but are intimidated by all the super experts.  So here we go! Mediocre crafters unite.

2 different coloured felt sheets
2 pipe cleaners
Fabric glue (or thread to sew)
Hole punch

That's it.

can double as an oversized 'stach!

the masked crusader

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