Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Being connected

We do lots of travelling. Not necessarily to far away destinations, but we like to be on the move. Short trips to Ottawa, Montreal, Toronto. Or longer trips states side or exploring the county (PEC that is). We do this partly because I'm a stay at home mom, and, well, I get fed up of being home, and partly to spend quality time as a family.  (At least that's how I sell it to my husband).

Of course most of these trips are wonderful.  Showing the girls where we grew up.  Discovering new places together.  But naturally, some of these trips are terrible. The kind that you know the second you leave the house it was a mistake.  BIG mistake.  But you keep driving anyway. Screaming all the way - you and the kids. Threatening to pull over. To throw the dvd player out the window. To leave them at the next rest stop. And to vow NEVER to travel again - and yet we will. Because amidst the chaos, there are memories and traditions being made.

The beauty of family vacations is that you learn about one another, good or bad. As a parent, you have more time to spend really being there with your kids.  No distractions. No household chores looming.  Nothing to divert our attention.  Ah, the joys of being connected.

A glimpse into our future.
Tweeting: family vacation = epic fail!
Another online shopping purchase completed!

Now if we could just get our girls to do the same.

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